조회 수 : 17761
2013.01.18 (15:50:40)
Effective Jan. 27, new prices will go into effect for some USPS products and services.

The new prices for First-Class Mail and service pricing include:
•First-Class Mail, one ounce: 46 cents
•First-Class Mail postcard: 33 cents
•Stamped postcards: 37 cents
•Electronic Return Receipt: $1.25.
•Certificate of mailing: $1.20

New domestic retail pricing for Priority Mail Flat Rate products:
•Small box: $5.80
•Medium box: $12.35
•Large box: $16.85
•Large APO/FPO box: $14.85
•Regular envelope: $5.60
•Legal envelope: $5.75
•Padded envelope: $5.95

Other changes include a new offering — a First-Class Mail Global Forever stamp that will allow customers to mail letters up to two ounces to Canada and up to one ounce anywhere else in the world for a set price of $1.10.

Customers can obtain lower prices for Priority Mail and other types of expedited products when purchasing them online.

일종우편 편지 45센트에서 일센트 오른 46 센트입니다. 인상되기전에 가급적
Forever Stamp 45 센트짜리를 구입하시면 인상된후에도 그대로 쓸수있습니다
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