작성자 : 한인회 

OCA Westchester & Hudson Valley 단체에서 “Rising Stars” 콘서트를 주최합니다. 3월 21일 18세 이하의 학생들을 대상으로한 오디션을 통해 최종 12명의 학생들을 선발하여 4/9 (토) 에 콘서트를 열게 됩니다.


A music festival introducing twelve young Asian Americans, performing classical and contemporary works,

from the West and East. 
Young student performers will play a variety of musical instruments; both classical instruments from the West and traditional Asian instruments such as the Guzheng. 
Student performers range in age from 8 to 18, who were selected via audition by a panel of judges


Rising Stars Application 2011.doc

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